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SMART Advertising

Aug 23, 2020

SMART Advertising

The old conversation we have heard for over a decade now, “Mr. Advertiser, we are going to create this website for you, drive a bunch of traffic, and all of the traffic will result in new and repeat business”. That is the perfect world scenario and boy, we all wish it was that simple. In reality, there are so many reasons why all that traffic doesn’t translate into new and repeat business. The real game-changer is what you do with that traffic that comes to your site. I didn’t share this today to say here is the exact strategy you should take. It’s just important for advertisers to know there are so many ways to collect and use data that interacts with your site so you don’t have as many missed opportunities within your advertising efforts.

To be SMART with your advertising is to have a plan to use the data that is collected from your site; all the clicks, emails, and calls. The key is not to forget to have an actual strategy to convert more of the traffic that has shown interest in what you offer in some way.

Here are some important tools and strategies to think about:

  • If you are spending money on any type of media to drive traffic to your site, remarketing/retargeting is essential.
  • Invest in a solid CRM system
  • Marketing Automation can relieve stress and make it so easy to follow up on missed opportunities.
  • Whether someone emailed or calls, have a system where an automated text and/or email is sent. Keep in touch with prospects by sending them quarterly notes in hopes that when they are ready to make that purchase, they think of you.
  • Pixel your site to identify the contact information of all your website traffic. You can then use that information to send direct mail, email, and even develop a look-a-like audience within other campaigns. 
Building a Media Plan
24 Oct, 2020
When advertising any type of business, there has to be a strategy. When you understand the “WHY” you are running an ad, the reason you are running it during a certain timeframe, you officially have a strategy.
SMART Advertising
23 Aug, 2020
The old conversation we have heard for over a decade now, “Mr. Advertiser, we are going to create this website for you, drive a bunch of traffic, and all of the traffic will result in new and repeat business”.
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